Author Archives: Stewart L Truong

Five Things to Do with a Can of Tuna

Tuna is one of the most popular fish that is being commercially caught to be canned food. Tuna fish can be found all around the world’s ocean. Lucky us to have abundant tuna fish in the ocean but it does not mean that humans can catch as much as they want because federal regulations will monitor the catch.

Tuna becomes very popular as we can make various delicate healthy food with tuna. Not only the delicious taste of tuna, but tuna is also good for diet as it contains low carbs, low calory, but high proteins. That is why tuna is one of the most recommended food for diet.

Tuna Nutrition Facts

Fish is one of the best sources of nutritious food that our body needs the most. Fish is even better than other land animals meet if we compare the nutrition in it. Here are some nutritious facts about tuna.

  1. Omega 3

Tuna contains high omega 3 that is an essential nutrient for our body. Omega 3 is really good to help the development of a baby’s brain. It also works to improve the health of joints, hair, eyes. Omega 3 also prevents the improvement of insulin response and obesity.

  1. Protein

Tuna is also very high in protein and the average of protein in a can of tuna is around 42 grams with essential amino acids. Protein plays a big role in our health including increasing our immune, maintaining body tissue, and has a big role in the repairing and development process.

  1. Vitamin and mineral

Furthermore, tuna also contains various vitamins and minerals such as vitamin B12, B6, Iron, Potassium, Selenium, Phosphorus, Choline, and Calcium.

Five Things to Do with a Can of Tuna

We can make various menus with a can of tuna. Check out what can we make with it.

  1. Tuna pasta

The first menu you can make using tuna is tuna pasta. This menu is simple, easy, and fast to make. Add lemon juice while making the pasta sauce to create a fresh taste of the tuna pasta.

Follow the usual steps you use to make common pasta, then just add a can of tuna then stir it with other ingredients. Mix the pasta with the sauce thoroughly and add chopped parsley as the finishing.

  1. Tuna salad

Another easy tuna menu to make is tuna salad. You may use any vegetables you like such as lettuce, tomato, spinach, and others. A can of tuna can be used to make some servings of tuna salad. You can enjoy the tuna salad as your breakfast or dinner because it is easy and fast to make.

  1. Canned tuna tacos

Canned tuna taco is even faster than cooking pasta. You can add some toppings you like for the tacos such as avocados, coleslaw, mozzarella cheese, or anything you like. Then you can enjoy the canned tuna tacos for your dinner.

  1. Tuna sandwich

A tuna sandwich is another idea for the breakfast menu. You can make some servings with a can of tuna to make a tuna sandwich. Complete your tuna sandwich with parmesan or mozzarella cheese, Dijon mustard, fresh lettuce, tomato, and bell pepper. If you are on diet, you can use wheat or black bread for your tuna sandwich.

  1. Tuna salad sushi

You do not need to go to the restaurant to enjoy tuna sushi because you can just make it at home. You can use a can of tuna to make tuna salad sushi. It will taste great to roll the tuna with rice and dried seaweed or nori. You may also add some vegetables such as cucumber or carrot inside to give a fresh taste to your tuna sushi.

Two Weeks Tuna Diet Plan Ideas Which Works

The human body is constructed perfectly by God. It is just us who cannot take good care so that there are many issues with it including diseases and gaining weight. One problem that most people have nowadays is gaining weight and too much fat in the body.

This problem appears simply because of what we eat and our habits. Lots of people suffer from body weight and some of them are working hard for losing weight. Diet is the answer to get ideal weight and healthier body and gratefully many people do that nowadays.

Best Menu for Diet

Doing diet does mean that you should stop consuming carbs. A good diet requires balance nutrients for the body. That is why, choosing the right menu for your diet is important to ensure that you have the right amount of carbs, protein, and other nutrients.

One of the best menus for diet is tuna. Tuna consists of low carbs, low calories, but high protein. While you are trying to lose weight, you need a low-carb and low-calorie menu and tuna is the right menu for you.

Two Weeks Tuna Diet Plan Ideas Which Work

Every human body has its condition and there is no exact diet for everyone before you know what your body needs. That is why each different diet plan may work differently for each person. Here are some tuna diet plan ideas that may work for you.

  1. Breakfast

Breakfast is really important to give you energy while starting the day. A healthy diet never leaves breakfast because it is the time your body works and it needs the energy to start working. You can have healthy veggies sandwich for your breakfast with 50-60 g of tuna, lettuce, tomato, two slices of wheat bread, and complete it with juice.

  1. Lunch

You may eat more calories and protein during lunch because you need lots of energy to do your activities and your body works a lot throughout the day. You may have 150 g of tuna salad with your veggie preferences such as spinach, lettuce, or other veggies you like. Complete it with tomato, and use olive oil or virgin coconut oil while cooking it to make sure that you keep the calorie low.

  1. Dinner

Many dieters avoid dinner while they are on diet. Remember that losing weight does not mean that you have to skip one of your three meals in a day. Three meals in a day are really important to fulfil your needs of nutrients because your body needs the energy to be able to perfectly functioned.

You just need to consider what menu and how much calorie, carbs, protein, and other nutrients you should consume in a day. That is why the answer to diet is your menu. While dinner, you may have a tuna burrito, roasted tuna, or maybe smoked tuna boiled in water.

You may create a variety of tuna menus to avoid boresome while eating. You can consume around 150 g of tuna but you should add some veggies to your menu. Do not forget to drink healthy drinks as well such as green tea, juice, lemon water, or your other preferences.

Indonesian Canned Tuna Manufacturers Process and Products

Indonesia is well known as a maritime country that has long-wide waters where lots of species can be found there. Indonesia has rich water resources which have high-quality. One of the best Indonesian water resources is tuna.

That is why Indonesia becomes one of the canned tuna suppliers that produce high-quality canned tuna. Canned tuna is one of the most highly demanded seafood products in the world as tuna contains so many essential nutrients for our bodies. As suppliers, Indonesian manufactures always do their best to give the best products to the customers.

Indonesian Canned Tuna Manufacturers Process

Besides the quality of the tuna itself, one thing that will affect the quality of canned tuna is the process. It is useless to have high-quality tuna when you do not know how to make the best process to produce canned tuna. Here are some simple explanations of the process Indonesian canned tuna manufacturers do to make canned tuna.

  1. Sizing the fish

Once the tuna arrived, the fish will be sorted into types and sizes. The tunas will be placed in different boxes based on their types, weight, date of arrival, the condition of the fish, the fish temperature, and so on. This step is important because it determines the quality of the tuna that will be used.

  1. Stocking the fish

After the sizing stage, the tuna will not be directly processed, but they will be stored in the cold storage as stock. The storage will be under -1800 Celsius to keep them fresh. Indonesian canned tuna manufacturers use the method of FIFO or First in First Out.

  1. Cooking process

Before it comes to the cooking process, the tuna from the cold storage will be thawed and butchered first. After the tuna meat is clean and cuts in a specific size, it will be cooked in a big cooker called retort for 50 up to 150 minutes depending on the size of the tuna.

The cooking process usually uses 90-1030 Celsius to ensure that the tuna meat is cooked thoroughly. After the cooking process, the tuna meat will be cooled down and trimmed.

  1. Checking the tuna meat under metal detector and packing it

Once the cooking process is done, the tuna meat will go under the metal detector to ensure that the meat is clean and ready to pack. Then the tuna meat will be packed in a can. The can is seasoned with vegetable broth, brine, and also oil.

  1. Sterilizing and incubating

Can tuna be consumed for some years, that is why they need to ensure that the product is sterilized and safe to be consumed. The product also will be incubated to make sure that there is no bacteria or harmful substance in the product.

  1. Labelling, packaging, and delivering

After the incubation process, the canned tuna is ready to label and pack. Once they are ready, the canned tuna is ready to be delivered to the consumers.

Some Indonesian Canned Tuna Manufacturers Products

There is some different variation of canned tuna products from Indonesia. As for canned tuna suppliers, Indonesian canned tuna manufacturers have some different types of canned tuna products.

  1. Canned tuna brine

The first product of canned tuna is canned tuna brine. Canned tuna brine serves a wonderful taste and it is healthier seafood compared with the on in oils. The brine is saltwater that is used to preserve the tuna in the canning process.

  1. Canned tuna oil

Another product of canned tuna is canned tuna in oil. Canned tuna oil is the most common canned tuna you can use to make a tuna dish as the ingredients. Various oils are usually used including olive oil, sunflower oil, vegetable oil, and others.

Canned tuna oil is usually packed with some ingredients depending on the variation of the canned tuna product. That is why this canned tuna oil is mostly used to make some dishes that have tuna as one of the ingredients.

  1. Canned tuna in tomato sauce

Another unique tuna product is canned tuna in tomato sauce. Canned tuna suppliers, especially in Indonesia mostly produce this product because many consumers like it. Here is their Facebook profile, Instagram page, and Twitter.

This instant seafood has a high demand for the delicate taste and simple cooking process. You can just warm it and serve it right away.

Some Important Things and Fishing Techniques to Catch Tuna

Tuna becomes one of the great fish to catch both for commercial catches or big game fishing. In a big game of fishing, catching tuna will be a wonderful adventure yet frustrating as well. It will be very frustrating if you do know exactly how to find and catch it.

On the wide and deep ocean, it is not easy work to find and locate tuna because they keep swimming and migrating. For commercial catches, they know exactly where they should locate the tuna because they know where the tuna moves. But for you who will have first-time experience of catching tuna, you need to know some important things about fishing tuna.

Some Important Things to Know Before Fishing Tuna

  1. The baits

Bait is an essential requirement in fishing because a bait will determine what kind of fish you will get. There are 15 types of tuna in the ocean and you should know exactly which bait to attract those types of tuna. Some choices you may use to attract tuna are large spoons, strip baits, plugs, and skirted lures.

  1. The location

Another important thing you should know before fishing tuna is their location. Tuna is always swimming and transmigrating throughout the year so make sure that you know the basics of how to locate them.

During the summer and warm season, tuna-like to swim near the surface of the water. It is the best time for you for fishing because it is easier to catch them during this season. Meanwhile, tuna will hunt in deeper water and you need to prepare your fishing equipment to fish in the deeper water.

Another easier way to locate tuna while you are already on the boat is by checking the seabirds and dolphins. The seabirds become the sign that tunas are nearby because seabirds and dolphins will hunt the tunas.

  1. How to handle the tuna once you catch it

Fishing tuna might be easier compared with the time you have to handle and manage the tuna until you take them on the boat. Tuna is a big fish and its weight can be up to 400 pounds depending on the type of tuna.

Tuna is also a great fighter fish. They even can yank the line off your reel when you bait them. Going fishing with someone will be very helpful for you, especially when it is your first-time fishing tuna.

Some Techniques to Catch More Tuna

After you know what should you understand before catching tuna, now you need to understand some techniques to catch it. There are some techniques you can try to catch more tuna, and there are those.

  1. Pole and line fishing

The first technique you can do to catch tuna without harming the environment is using pole and line fishing. This technique usually requires live bait to attract tuna. During the dawn, tuna fishermen are ready with their poles to catch tuna.

By using pole and line fishing, it is almost impossible to catch other kinds of fish except for tuna. This is because the technique is required for catching tuna, not other species of fish.

  1. Surface troll fishing technique

During the summer when tuna tend to swim near the water surface, this technique is the best. The surface troll fishing technique is also another friendly fishing technique because it does not damage the sea and other aquatic creatures.

Moving the rod back and forth in slow motions keeping the lure moving is the best way to do this technique. This technique requires you to trick the tuna to think that your lure is alive so that they will bite it.

  1. Longline fishing technique

The longline fishing technique is the most common fishing technique used for commercial purposes. The anglers use this technique mostly to catch halibut and tuna in the open waters.

The anglers will set a long rope several miles long and place it under the open waters to trap the fishes. This technique is still debatable because when the anglers use small fishnet, they also catch other creatures that are not supposed to be caught.

Those are some techniques that are mostly done by anglers and fishermen to catch tuna. Tuna is important to fish because we need that a lot. By the high demand for tuna, people need permission to catch tuna, especially if they want to catch a big amount of it.

Some Types of Tuna and Its Varying Sizes

Many people say that tuna is the king of the sea. That statement is said with some reasons including the amazing amount we can find in the sea until the size of tuna that may surprise you. Starting in 18th century people caught tuna, and nowadays people catch a thousand tonnes of tuna in a year.

Tuna becomes the most commercial catch from the sea around the world. Then it is packed in a can that we can easily find in grocery stores. Tuna is a healthy canned food that is why the demand for canned tuna in a year is very high.

Types of Tuna and Its Different Sizes

Are you one of the tuna lovers? If the answer is yes, you need to know the types of tuna that are mostly used as canned tuna and their sizes. There are 15 types of tuna in the ocean, but here we will just explore the most common tuna used for canned tuna.

  1. Yellowfin tuna

One of the most caught tuna for canned tuna is yellowfin tuna. Just like the name, this tuna has yellowfins. This type of tuna mostly lives in the Pacific and the Atlantic Ocean, especially in warm waters around Thailand and the Philippines.

Yellowfin tuna can grow up to 6 feet long and can be weight up to 200 pounds. Besides canned tuna, this yellowfin tuna is also used to make sushi and for grilling.

  1. Albacore tuna

Albacore tuna might be smaller than other species of tuna. The shape of this tuna seems like a bullet and they can live up to 12 years. Albacore tuna mostly lives in the Pacific Ocean but you still can find it in Californian waters up to British Columbian waters.

This tuna is called a chicken at the sea because of the huge amount of albacore tuna that is used for canned food. The albacore tuna can grow up to 4,7 feet long and weigh around 80 pounds.

  1. Mackerel tuna

You might be familiar with this kind of tuna because it is sold a lot in the market. Unlike other types of tuna that are big, mackerel tuna comes in a small size.

Mackerel tuna can grow up to 100 cm long and weigh up to 20 kg, but the common size and weight for mackerel tuna are 60 cm long and 3 kg of weight. Fishermen usually use mackerel tuna as a bite to catch bigger fish.

  1. Skipjack tuna

Skipjack tuna comes with many different names such as tongkol, balaya, arctic bonito, striped tuna, and mush mouth tuna. The male skipjack tuna can grow up to 1.1 meters and weigh up to 34.5 kg but the common size and weight of this tuna are 50 cm long and 2.5 kg.

Skipjack tuna becomes the most caught tuna as the population of this tuna is stable. Female skipjack tuna can produce around 100.000 up to 2 million eggs in one prawn. This tuna will usually swim near the water surface at night and will swim deeper up to 850 feet during the day.

Some Health Benefits of Tuna and A Simple Tuna Pasta Recipe

Tuna is a kind of fish that lives around the wide ocean and becomes one of the largest commercial catches in the world. Tuna becomes the most popular seafood in the world because it is packed in a can as canned food.

No wonder that there are varieties of tuna menus nowadays because canned tuna is one of the most popular canned food that is easily found in grocery stores. The fact that tuna contains high protein and low calorie and carbs leads this food to be one of the best foods for diet.

Health Benefits of Tuna

As mentioned before that tuna is very nutritious for our bodies. It contains high essential vitamins that our body needs such as vitamin B12. Here are some health benefits of tuna.

  1. Support diet

It is also mentioned before that tuna is a good menu for diet. It is because tuna contains high protein that dieters need to lose weight. It is even proven in a study that someone who eats tuna for some weeks will lose weight around two or more pounds.

  1. Avoid vision problem

Another benefit of tuna for our health is that tuna can help prevent and avoid vision problems. Tuna contains Omega-3 that is good for our eyes, especially for the retina. And this is also already proven by the study which the result says that people who eat some servings of tuna for several weeks have a 68% lower risk of dry eye.

A Simple Tuna Pasta Recipe Idea

One of the easiest tuna menus you can cook in less than 20 minutes is tuna pasta. This menu is easy to make and does not need a long time to make. Here is an idea to make tuna pasta.

  1. Ingredients
  • 2 tablespoons of olive or virgin coconut oil
  • 2 cloves garlic, chopped finely
  • 1 teaspoon of lemon juice
  • Salt and pepper
  • 150 – 250 g pasta of your preference
  • 1 can of tuna
  • 1 tablespoon of fresh parsley, chopped finely
  1. Steps
  • Boil water in a saucepan for the pasta. While waiting for the water to be boiled, prepare the ingredients.
  • Heat the oil on a frying pan and fry the garlic for 30 seconds until it smells good.
  • Add the tuna, parsley, and lemon juice, then let it heat.
  • After the pasta is done, drain it. Take some tablespoons of pasta water and pour it into the pasta sauce.
  • Take the pasta and toss it into the sauce once it is ready. Add some pepper and salt as much as your preference and wait for a while until it cooked perfectly.
  • Serve the pasta with lemon zest and parmesan cheese as finishing.

This pasta menu consists of 400 calories, 16 g of fat, 44 g of carbs, 21 g of calorie, 29 mg of calcium, and 83 IU of Vitamin A. the menu is quite easy to make and you just need less than 20 minutes to prepare it. You can enjoy this menu as in your dinner.